Digital etiquette, also known as netiquette,…is defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary as…”Rules about the proper and polite way to communicate…”with other people when you’re using the Internet.”…Many of the principles of digital etiquette…are the same as our everyday etiquette…as we interact with people we see in person.…Hopefully it’s obvious that we should treat others fairly,…the way we’d like to be treated,…treat others with respect,…avoid degrading or embarrassing others,…and to help people who need help.…Although these principles seem like common sense,…something strange often happens when people are online.…

Often, it doesn’t feel as personal when interacting…with someone online as opposed to…face-to-face communication.…There are many people who are willing to…criticize others and voice strong opinions…much quicker and more often while on the Internet.…And this can be dangerous, bullying is bullying,…and disrespect is disrespect, whether it’s…in person or online.…And the effects as well as the consequences…