In the previous video, I mentioned that…33% of employers who research candidates online…found content that made them more likely to hire…that candidate.…In fact, 23% found content that led them directly…to hiring the candidate.…As the time we spend online continues to increase,…and as more employers look to this method of…researching candidates, we can expect these numbers…to rise.…In this video, we’ll take a look at the factors that…contribute to a positive digital footprint, and how…we can help our students to develop one, whether…at school or outside of school.…

In the career-builder survey referenced above,…employers gave some of the following examples of…content making them more likely to hire a candidate.…First, a personality that fits with the company’s culture.…Next, information that supported the candidate’s…qualifications, conveying a professional image.…Showing passion or a wide range of interests,…great communication skills, creativity, positive remarks…from others, interactions with the hiring company’s…