In this video, we’ll take a look…at the impact of the Digital Divide…which is a concept referring to the fact that…not everyone has equal access to technology.…As technology continues to become…such an important part of our everyday life,…we may overlook the fact that…not all of our students have access…to these technology tools.…Let’s take a look at some scenarios…in which this may cause a problem.…You assign students an activity…in which they need to navigate a specific website…and find information about a topic.…The students are not given enough class time,…so it’s expected that…they’ll complete the assignment outside of class.…

A student approaches you and let’s you know…that they don’t have access to the Internet at home.…Perhaps they don’t have a device to connect to the Internet,…or in this situation,…the student has a device,…but doesn’t have access the the Internet at home.…Anyone who pays for an Internet connection…knows that it can be quite expensive…and this isn’t an option for many families.…